One of the first questions someone asks when they see our name is, “Why Aloha?”
Aloha is often a misunderstood word. Most people who have traveled to the Hawaiian islands think it’s merely a greeting or how someone closes a conversation. It can also be a friendly way to say “I love you.”
However, Aloha has several deeper meanings, and when I started this company over two decades ago, I couldn’t think of any other term that represented what I wanted to do in my business and the meaning behind it. My maternal grandparents traveled to and even lived part-time in Hawaii as early as the late 1950s. They loved Hawaii so much that they even supported native Hawaiians who wanted to attend college. My first trip to Hawaii was at four years old, so the Aloha spirit and idea have always been a part of my life.
My favorite meaning of Aloha is “breath of God.” It is an honor and opportunity to breathe God’s life into projects and ideas others value so much.
Aloha is also a way of life or way of acting or being that unifies individuals in agreement. In the Hawaiian language, it is an expression with many meanings: love, compassion, mercy, peace, kindness, and even gratitude. Living aloha means giving with those ideals and doing it without any expectation of return.
Over the coming weeks, we will share more about the uniqueness of our clients, how we as a team are the vision keepers for your ideas, and why “talking story” with us about your best ideas should be on the agenda for 2024.