I have always believed that fear should never hold you back. Think about when you were learning to drive, enrolling in college, or buying a house for the first time. You were likely scared… but you did it anyway.
I was a distance runner in college and into my 20s and 30s. Before every race I ever ran, I would stand there nearly paralyzed, thinking about everything that could go wrong. If you have ever been an endurance athlete, you will know that regardless of how much you trained, some races turn out well, and other times your body throws you an obstacle that makes it so you don’t get the outcome you want. I was scared of what might happen… but I did it anyway.
I am sharing this idea this week to encourage you. You might be afraid of doing something, but try it, and you could have a great outcome.
This past week, I received an email from my friend in Colorado after a conversation we had right before Christmas.
The email read:
I was extremely closed off to sales and marketing and have been for my entire life.
After our conversation, I pondered your statement, “See, you can do sales. Just share with other people what you shared with me.”
Well, I just got off my first sales call for the year ( I decided to give sales a try). It was amazing! My potential client got so much out of our short time together.
As soon as I got off the call, I thought of you. If it weren’t for our conversation in December, I would still be stuck believing it’s not something I can do.